Session Recordings


Who owns Black Art? For years Black artists and creators have lamented the fight to maintain ownership over their work, even as their work across music, art and performance have become the foundation of popular culture.

The issue of ownership over cultural products goes beyond a mere legal matter; it is equally a matter of self-preservation, reflecting the imperative to safeguard their cultural heritage, space, and autonomy in creative expression.In this conversation, we will explore the complexities of ownership, control, and representation in an age where cultural appropriation, explotation and commodification persists.
Arts & Cultural Organizing,  Keynote
Speakers: Tomashi Jackson, Artist

Darryl Ratcliff, Gossypion Investments, Artist/CEO

Tariku Shiferaw, Artist

Lisa Simmons, Roxbury International Film Festival, Executive/Artistic Director

Anjali Deshmukh, Make Justice Normal, Co-founder

 In this workshop, we delve into the subject of impact investing and the growing concern of impact washing—a practice that undermines the integrity and effectiveness of socially responsible investments. As impact investing gains momentum as a powerful tool for positive change, it becomes imperative to discern genuine impact from superficial claims.
Impact Investing
Speakers: Dorien Nunez, The OmniResearch Group, Co-Founder and Director of Research

Sheena Strawter-Anthony, Feel Good Investments, Registered Investment Advisor

Public Banking
In this workshop, we dive into the ongoing efforts to establish public banks in Massachusetts and across the country, and its potential to revolutionize local economic systems, create financial equity, and bolster community resilience.
Speakers: Oscar Abello, Next City, Economic Justice Correspondent

Malia Lazu, The Lazu Group, Founder

Believe-In-You Money  
Believe-in-You Money delves into the history of Black business investing and shares six ways we can all use capital as a powerful tool for addressing racial injustice. From reimagining risk to bringing the philosophy of right relationship into play, we can make important changes in our practices and policies in order to invest in the brilliance and innovation of Black people, and reap the collective benefits of a more just, equitable, interconnected, and loving society.
Black Investing
Speakers: Jessica Norwood, Runway, Founder/CEO

Bithiah Carter, New England Blacks in Philanthropy, President/CEO

Put some respect on our throat chakras. The ongoing project of social and political freedom doesn’t begin or end with getting out the vote. Active and meaningful participation in shaping the decisions, policies, and governance that directly affect us is how we elevate community voice. In this session, we will discuss how to go beyond deep listening to center community leadership in project design and decision-making processes.
Organizing, Impact Investing
Speakers: Seona Bae, Boston Ujima Project Member

Leena Mathew, Matahari Women Workers' Center, Director of Policy & Campaigns

Mea Johnson, Ujima Community Standards Committee

Black Recovery   
In this panel, speakers will discuss the journey of self-determination and creating practices for Black liberation in the world of recovery.
Chantelle Bean

Melissa Dagger

Tomashi Jackson, Moderator

Working class neighborhoods across the country find themselves at the forefront of the climate crisis, a consequence of decades of racist housing policies. Despite this, many people may not see the link between investing in climate solutions and community development. This panel will showcase climate investment to address systemic climate change and the unequal impact on underserved communities. We’ll discover innovative projects and new ways to address climate change through community investment.
Speakers: Isaac Baker, Resonant Energy, Co-CEO

John Smith, Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, Executive Director

Gregory King, TSK Energy Solutions LLC, Managing Director

In this session, Erika Seth Davies gives a rousing closing keynote to Day 2 of the Assembly of Black Possibilities.
Erika Seth Davies, Rhia Ventures, CEO

Nia K. Evans, Boston Ujima Project, Executive Director